MVP - Minimum Viable Product

How do I come up with an MVP?

Now that we have a clear idea of what an MVP is, we can focus our attention on how to build and launch it.

Here you have the 5 steps to launch your MVP that we recommend:

Step #1 - What problem are you solving? To whom?

First things first! It is crucial to understand your customer’s needs and to do some market research. Did you ask yourself why do I need this product? How can it help me? This information will help you to deliver a better product to future customers.

Step #2 - Who are your competitors?

Don't underestimate your competitors. Sometimes entrepreneurs don't analyze their competition, because they have blind faith in the uniqueness of their product. Competitor analysis is important no matter what.

Step #3 - How is the User Flow?

To define the User Flow you should first know the process stages. That is to say, knowing perfectly the steps required to achieve the main objective of your product. What kind of goals will have your end-user when they use your product? As soon as you define these process stages, you can then define features for each stage.

Step #4 - Prioritize necessary features.

Create a list of particular features for each stage. You should focus on those features that you’d like to have, but they’re not strictly necessary. What particular action do you want your users to take through the product? Are there any other features you would like to add? It is important to set different features categories, before asking a developer to work on the MVP.

Step #5 - Build, Test, and Learn

The Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop is a technique that helps you to realize when you've got things wrong, before it's too late and correct what’s necessary. This model involves a cycle of creating and testing hypotheses by building something small for potential customers to try, observing their reactions, and learning from the results. The goal is to constantly improve your offering so that you in the end deliver precisely what your customers want.

If you have questions or need help with the development of an MVP, please feel free to contact us.

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Save time and money with an MVP and quickly validate your own business project.